We’re a retreat center and a community of trusted, holistic practitioners. They serve as your companions in self-care and personal growth.
Our tranquil grounds offer a serene sanctuary to rest, find inspiration, and nourish your mind, body, and soul.
We also offer life-changing programs, workshops, classes, and retreats that feature local guest holistic practitioners.
There’s always room for more. If you’re a practitioner looking for a community, please reach out!
BreathWorks practitioners offer our clients powerful holistic modalities in private services, classes, workshops, and retreats. We empower our clients to embrace creativity and playfulness, to boldly face their shadow sides and release trauma.
Our community events foster inclusivity and encourage growth physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.
We offer a sliding scale for most of our events. Movement Mondays classes are donation-based and 100% of the proceeds go directly to Yoga 4 Change which funds a weekly trauma-informed yoga class for substance-abuse survivors at the St. Pete Baldwin Women’s Clinic.
BreathWorks programming is for everybody regardless of their financial situation.
So for most of our programs, we offer three options rather than one fixed price. This structure makes it possible for more people to access the program, supported by the community and those who have access to more resources. Your enrollment also helps us to add more scholarships. Please choose the option that feels appropriate to you and your circumstances.
SPONSOR ACCESS: For those with more than enough financial resources and a desire to support access for others to help rebalance systemic inequity.
FAIR ACCESS: For those with sufficient financial resources and who can pay fair value for the experience.
SUPPORTED ACCESS: For those with currently limited financial resources who will benefit from access supplemented by the community.
If the cost of Supported Access is still a challenge, we gladly accept donations of time and energy to maintain BreathWorks.
Energy Codes Facilitator and Remote Healer
Julie specializes in releasing trapped emotions and alleviating trauma and PTSD with massage, mysofascial release, yoga, and breath and energy work. She is so passionate about these methodologies because she has personally experienced their healing in her mind, body, and soul.
Julie’s healing journey began at age 50 when she traveled to Rishikesh, India to study yoga, meditation, and breath work. At the time, she was a tenured professor at the University of South Florida and had a thriving career publishing, presenting at international conferences, and teaching a wide variety of classes. But she wasn’t healthy and she wasn’t happy.
India, yoga, yoga therapy, breath work and marma massage opened up her heart, expanded her mind and gave her the first tools she needed to heal herself. She chose to embrace the teachings of her experiences and to study holistic health from a variety of teachers. She began to offer yoga and breath work to her USF students, especially those who were studying the effects of war on veterans, their families, and our society as a whole.
The COVID-19 pandemic was a wakeup call for Julie, and she slowly changed each aspect of her life to be in better alignment with what she believes is her true purpose: to employ all her skills in guiding people as they heal themselves mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Julie initiated a heartbreaking but much needed divorce in 2021. She founded BreathWorks in January 2022 to teach donation-based self-care and trauma recovery through yoga, meditation, and breath work. She offered these services free to COVID essential workers, veterans, and first responders.
In May 2022, she retired from USF and in August of that year, she finished her massage school training and received her license to practice in Colorado and Florida. She has since also received a license in Maryland. She’s also certified by Psilohealth to assist people as they undertake psliocybin trips to treat trauma and PTSD.
Julie firmly believes that none of us can be well, unless all of us are well. So she offers Movement Mondays, donation-based yoga classes in which 100% of the proceeds are used to fund weekly trauma-informed yoga classes for women recovering from substance abuse.
All BreathWorks classes and events are offered on a sliding scale, and clients chose the level that best describes their situation. Julie also found the Breathworks Timebank in which members can exchange time for massage, myofascial release and the other premium services.
She is convinced that alleviating the pain and suffering of those around us will make the world a kinder, more compassionate place to be. And that’s good for everyone.
To learn more about Julie’s journey or to hear interviews she conducts with local holistic practitioners, check out her podcast Deep Exhale on Spotify.